Rourkela Trekkers Club has the following categories of membership
• Honorary Members
Honorary members will be recommended by the GC for approval of the General Body. The persons should be of eminence in the field of mountaineering/Defense Services/ Ecology/Glaciology/Geology/Flora/Fauna/ Mountain Photography/ Mountain medicine or any such field related to mountains and high altitude in particular and Himalaya in general. Age is no bar but such persons are likely be above 50 years of age.
• Ordinary Members
Ordinary members are members of the General Body (GB)and are admitted through a process that involves recommendation, invitation and election. Existing members can recommend accomplished individuals in RTC's areas of interest to become ordinary members. The recommendations are scrutinised by the Governing Council and a recommended list is presented at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The GB votes on list of recommendations and members are admitted if they obtain 2/3rd majority. Members thus admitted have full voting rights and have the right to attend the AGM.
• Associate Members
Associate members are selected from the community of mountaineers, trekkers and others interested or participating in allied adventure activities or contribute to the development, research and studies relating to mountains, mountain environment and allied subjects. Such persons selected by the Governing Council from applications received for the same. There is no membership fee for such individuals and Associate Members may be specially invited to AGM and to become members of various committees of the RTC. They however, do not have any voting rights.
• Affiliate Members
Individuals may now become affiliate members. The Fee structure for the same is as follows: -
Category: General - Download Membership Form & Medical Fitness Form
Eligibility: Mountaineer, trekkers, general adventure lovers and students
Annual Fess: INR 6,000/-
Long Term Fees: INR 10,000/- for 2 years
Category: Affiliated Organization
Eligibility: Affiliated with any mountaineering orgainsation/association
Annual Fees: INR 5,500 /-
Long Term Fees: INR 9,000/- for 2 years
Category: Affiliated School/College Students
Eligibility: Student between 06-24 years
Annual Fees: INR 5,000/- (for min 1000 students membership)
Long Term Fees: INR 8,000 for 2 years (for min 1000 students membership)